The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 requires all federal agencies to consider the environmental impacts of their proposed actions and the reasonable alternatives for implementing those actions during the decision making process. The Y-12 National Security Complex follows the Council on Environmental Quality regulations (40 CFR 1500-1508) and the Department of Energy’s Implementing Procedures (10 CFR 1021).
There are three types of NEPA documents: an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), Environmental Assessment (EA), and a Categorical Exclusion (CX) Determination. Categorical exclusions are classes of DOE actions that DOE/NNSA has determined… do not individually or cumulatively have a significant effect on the environment and for which, therefore, neither an EIS nor an EA is normally required.
In accordance with DOE's transparency and openness policy, Y-12 National Security Complex posts the applicable CX determinations involving classes of actions listed in Appendix B to Subpart D of DOE's Implementing Procedures, 10 CFR Part 1021.
For general comments or questions:
Please send an email to
Mary Helen Hitson
NEPA Compliance Officer,
NNSA Production Office
Or via US mail to:
Mary Helen Hitson
NEPA Compliance Officer,
NNSA Production Office
P.O. Box 2050,
Oak Ridge, TN 37831
To view the CX determination form for a particular Y-12 project, select the year and click the date to the left of the project title.
Date |
Project Title |
11/04/2021 |
NEPA 4201.22, Uranium Processing Facility (UPF), Security Portal Demolition |
10/28/2021 |
NEPA 4954, rev 1, Y-12 National Security Complex's Public Warning System |
10/18/2021 |
NEPA 4976, Aerojet Ordinance Tennessee Inc., Recycle Pilot Project |
09/14/2021 |
NEPA 4818, rev 2, Direct Chip Melt – Bottom Loading Furnace |
09/14/2021 |
NEPA 4624, rev 2, Electorefining Project (addendum) |
07/28/2021 |
NEPA 4955, Federal Building - Fuel Tank Demolition and Disposition Project |
06/24/2021 |
NEPA 4642, Calciner Project (addendum) |
| NEPA 4834, West End Protected Area Reduction (WEPAR) Project |
| NEPA 4953, Security Infrastructure Revitalization Program |
| NEPA 4951, Demolition of Buildings 9727-04, 9727-04A, 9409-34, and Nitrogen Tower |
| NEPA 4949, Manufacturing Sciences Corporation, Cold Hearth Furnace |
02/01/2021 |
NEPA 4954, Y-12 National Security Complex’s Public Warning Siren System |
Date |
Project Title |
08/18/2020 |
NEPA 4914, Demolition of Building 9404-18 |
06/11/2020 |
NEPA 4909, Test and Demonstration Facility |
05/27/2020 |
Property Transfer of the SSP-2A to the National Nuclear Security Administration (CX-ORR-24-001) |
05/14/2020 |
NEPA 4916, Demolition of Building 9204-04 Ancillary Facilities |
Date |
Project Title |
11/2019 |
NEPA 4779, Building 9204-2 Annex Demolition Project |
11/2019 |
NEPA 4721, Y-12 Fire Station Construction Project |
09/2019 |
Lease office space in the Oak Ridge Technical Center - Buildings 1060 and 1099 Commerce Park |
08/2019 |
NEPA 4886, Energy Savings Performance Contract, Phase III, Mod 4 |
06/2019 |
NEPA 4869, Demolition of 9204-04 Complex Ancillary Facilities |
Date |
Project Title |
09/2018 |
NEPA 4834 rev 2, West End Protected Area Reduction (WEPAR) Project |
08/2018 |
NEPA 4840, Demolition of Group #2 and #3 trailers
06/2018 |
NEPA 4728 rev. 1, Demolition of Building 9720-24 |
03/2018 |
Property Transfer of the Y-12 West End Fuel Station, CX-ORR-18-001 |
Date |
Project Title |
01/03/2018 |
NEPA 4822, Demolition of Building 9201-05 Annex |
08/31/2017 |
NEPA 4782 and 4783 rev. 1, Demolition of Buildings 9111, 9112, and 9616-10 |
Date |
Project Title |
11/15/2016 |
Building 9204-2 Annex Demolition Project at the Y-12 National Security Complex (Y-12) (NEPA #4779) |
5/2/2016 |
NEPA 4752, Depleted Uranium Technology Testing for the Uranium Processing Facility (UPF) |
4/19/2016 |
Construction of an Electrical Substation and the Transmission Line Feeds for the Uranium Processing Facility (UPF) at the Y-12 National Security Complex (Y-12) (NEPA #4201.16, rev. 1) |
Date |
Project Title |
9/03/2015 |
Y-12 Fire Station Construction Project (4721) |
9/03/2015 |
Electro-Refining Project (4624 (Rev.1)) |
9/03/2015 |
Nuclear Facilities Risk Reduction (NFRR) (4457 Rev. 1) |
Date |
Project Title |
There were no CX Determinations posted in 2014 |
Date |
Project Title |
6/05/2013 |
Guard Tower Power and Fiber Reroute (4608) |
6/05/2013 |
Disposition of Kerr Hollow Quarry Shredder Project (4607) |
6/05/2013 |
9831 Wall Construction Project (4606) |
6/05/2013 |
Development CONOPS Improvement Project (4604) |
6/05/2013 |
Enclosure Modification Project (4603) |
6/05/2013 |
9744 Utility Isolations Project (4602) |
6/05/2013 |
Line Yard Fence Project (4601) |
6/05/2013 |
9103 Second Floor Refurbishment (4600) |
Date |
Project Title |
11/21/2012 |
Disposition Excess Equipment from Alpha 1 (4605) |
8/22/2012 |
Security Upgrades Project (4598) |
9/5/2012 |
Lithium Wet Chemistry Project (4597) |
6/25/2012 |
High Contamination Area (HCA) Cleanup Project (4596) |
5/31/2012 |
Coal Pile Basin Project (4595) |
5/31/2012 |
Duct Chase Sprinkler Replacement Project (4594) |
5/29/2012 |
Jack Case Showers Projects (4593) |
5/31/2012 |
Dry Air Glovebox Projects (4592) |
5/29/2012 |
Water Tanks Demolition and Deactivation (D&D) Projects (4589) |
4/30/2012 |
Dry Pipe Sprinkler Piping Replacement Projects (4588) |
4/24/2012 |
Sprinkler Head Replacement Projects (4586) |
4/12/2012 |
Californium Shuffler Removal Projects (4585) |
4/11/2012 |
Electric Discharge Machining (EDM) Projects (4584) |
3/12/2012 |
Direct Application of TiBor Coatings Projects (4583) |
3/15/2012 |
Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) Research Project (4582) |
3/15/2012 |
Unneeded Materials and Chemicals Clean-out Project (4581) |
3/15/2012 |
Protection Upgrades Project (4580) |
3/15/2012 |
Facilities Infrastructure & Services Unneeded Materials and Chemicals Disposition Project (4579) |
2/13/2012 |
Sustainable Environment Technologies (4578) |
2/9/2012 |
Lithium Isotope Separation & Enrichment Technologies (4577) |
2/13/2012 |
9983-CC Demolition Project (4574) |
2/06/2012 |
Cork Alternatives Project (4573) |
2/23/2012 |
Critical Nuclear Utilities Upgrade Project (CNUUP) (4572) |
Date |
Project Title |
12/15/2011 |
Crane Removal Project (4568) |
12/15/2011 |
MPLE Test Stand Replacement Project (4567) |
12/15/2011 |
Ash Removal Project (4566) |
12/15/2011 |
Waste Management Construction Support (4565) |
12/15/2011 |
Sort and Segregation Facility (4564) |
11/29/2011 |
UPF Mock Wall Project (4563) |
11/29/2011 |
Parts Washer Project (4560) |
10/24/2011 |
9404-10 Man Lifts and Pallet Jacks Project (4557) |
10/24/2011 |
TR-37 9404-3 IR Demolition Project (4556) |
09/24/2011 |
Roof Asset Management (4555) |
03/17/2011 |
West Tank Farm (WTF) Pipe Replacement (4553) |
07/27/2011 |
9404-2 X-Ray Replacement Project (4552) |
07/27/2011 |
9215 Office Refurbishment (4551) |
09/27/2011 |
9215 Roofing Clean-up and Testing Project (4549) |
06/28/2011 |
Guard Tower and Station D&D Project (4548) |
06/28/2011 |
Vehicle Detection System (VDS) Project (4547) |
06/16/2011 |
NightStalker Infrastructure Reduction (IR) Project (4546) |
05/17/2011 |
Code 4 Armor TM Sample Fabrication and Testing (4545) |
05/17/2011 |
Rheocast Demolition Project (4544) |
06/16/2011 |
VTR Upgrade Project (4543) |
04/12/2011 |
Entry Equipment (4542) |
03/28/2011 |
9201-5N HVAC Replacement (4539) |
03/09/2011 |
9998 G-3 Clean-out and Machining Capability (4538) |
03/17/2011 |
Portal 8 Inspection Enhancements (4537) |
03/17/2011 |
Portal 11 Access Control (4536) |
03/17/2011 |
EF520 Roof Duct Rain Hood (4535) |
12/05/2011 |
9201-5 Utilities Re-route (4534) |
03/17/2011 |
UWB Tracking and Ident. Sys. (CRADA #2416-Z581-11) (4533) |
12/05/2011 |
Tin Whisker Mitigation (CRADA #NFE-11-00011) (4532) |
01/25/2011 |
Development Chemicals of Buildings 9292 (4531) |
01/11/2011 |
Coal Storage Area Stabilization (4530) |
DOE/NNSA NEPA websites
Y-12 Environmental Assessments
- DOE/EA-2159: Finding of No Significant Impact, Environmental Assessment for the Offsite Housing of the the Y-12 Development Organization at 103 Palladium Way, Horizon Center Industrial Park, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, July 2021
- DOE/EA-2159, Environmental Assessment for the Offsite Housing of the the Y-12 Development Organization at 103 Palladium Way, Horizon Center Industrial Park, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, July 2021
- DOE/EA-2145: Finding of No Significant Impact, Environmental Assessment for the Lithium Processing Facility at the Y-12 National Security Complex, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, March 2021
- DOE/EA-2145, Environmental Assessment for the Lithium Processing Facility at the Y-12 National Security Complex, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, March 2021
- DOE/EA-2144, Finding of No Significant Impact for the Environmental Assessment For The Oak Ridge Enhanced Technology And Training Center, November 4, 2020
- DOE/EA-2144, Environmental Assessment for the Oak Ridge Enhanced Technology and Training Center
- Wetland Statement of Findings for the Oak Ridge Enhanced Technology And Training Center (ORETTC), November 2020
- DOE/EA-2014: Finding of No Significant Impact, Y-12 National Security Complex Emergency Operations Center; Oak Ridge, TN, October 26, 2015
- DOE/EA-2014: Final Environmental Assessment, Y-12 National Security Complex Emergency Operations Center; Oak Ridge, TN, September 2, 2015
Y-12 Supplemental Analyses
- DOE/EIS-0387-SA-01, Supplement Analysis for Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement for the Y-12 National Security Complex (April 2016)
- FINAL - DOE/EIS-0387-SA-03, Supplement Analysis for Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement for the Y-12 National Security Complex
- DOE/EIS-0387-SA-04, Final Supplement Analysis for the Final Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement for the Y-12 National Security Complex, Earthquake Accident Analysis, June 2020
- DOE/EIS-0387-SA-04, Draft Supplement Analysis for the Final Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement for the Y-12 National Security Complex, Earthquake Accident Analysis, April 2020
- 81 FR 45138, Amended Record of Decision for the Continued Operations of the Y-12 National Security Complex (FR, Vol. 81, No. 133, July 12, 2016)
Y-12 National Security Complex, Site Wide Environmental Impact Statement
- DOE/EIS-0387, Final Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement for the Y-12 National Security Complex
- EIS-0387, Record of Decision for the Continued Operation of the Y-12 National Security Complex