Nuclear Detection and Sensor Testing Center
As part of our increased global nuclear nonproliferation efforts, Y-12 commissioned the Nuclear Detection and Sensor Testing Center, which offers dedicated facilities for the testing of radiation detection capabilities using enriched and highly enriched uranium. In addition to supporting measurements of instrumentation for detecting ionizing radiation, non-destructive measurements of both fissile and non-fissile materials may be deployed at NDSTC.
The NDSTC supports proliferation detection, nuclear safeguards, emergency response, treaty verification, and university research. We can test devices with various forms and quantities of HEU, and the Center offers subject matter experts to assist in planning measurements, safely deploy material, and coordinate supporting equipment, including various shielding and moderator/reflector materials.
Two permanent, distinct testing venues are available — one for classified applications and one for unclassified work. Additional testing venues can be developed as necessary.
NDSTC users are assured that information relating to their R&D and measurements conducted at Y‑12 will not be divulged or discussed without their express approval given in advance. To work with the Nuclear Detection and Sensor Testing Center, please call Y-12 toll-free at 1-855-Y12-NNSA [1-855-912-6672].