Community Involvement

Y-12 is committed to keeping the community informed in areas of operations, environmental concerns, safety and emergency preparedness. To facilitate communication between the company and the community, a Community Relations Council was formed in 2002.

The council provides feedback to the company regarding our operations and ways to enhance communications and involvement with the community and public at large. The council is composed of members from a cross section of the community, including community advocates, neighborhood residents, Y-12 retirees and business and government leaders.

In addition to the corporate donations and sponsorships we provide, Y-12 employees are committed to serving in the communities where they live. We serve as board members for nonprofit agencies; as mentors, tutors, coaches and scout leaders for youth; as coordinators for numerous community projects, and in local governments.

Consolidated Nuclear Security LLC educational outreach provides funds for high school robotics teams and in 2016, provided startup funds for the Oak Ridge High School’s Navy National Defense Cadet Corps. Y-12 also spearheaded, along with the Anderson County Chamber of Commerce and Roane State Community College, Dream it/Do it, which partners middle schools and industries to create videos about the industries and raise awareness of possible jobs and careers in manufacturing. In 2015, CNS created the CNS Y-12 Community Investment Fund, managed by the East Tennessee Foundation. The fund is directed by a committee comprising Y-12 employees. In 2016, 30 nonprofit agencies received $180,000 in grants.