Student Programs
Are you close to graduation or have graduated in the past two years? We want you to join our team. Take on the challenges of improving our national security and creating a revolution in manufacturing. We are looking for recent college graduates and intern candidates.
Summer Intern
Y-12 is currently recruiting for 2020 Summer Internships! Please apply here.
CNS offers internship opportunities both at the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and the Pantex Plant in Amarillo, Texas. In addition to hands-on technical experience in their fields of study, participants in the Y-12 Summer Intern Program receive specialized professional development training and the opportunity to participate in social and community outreach events. All interns have a defined work scope and summer project, which they showcase during an end-of-summer Intern Expo. Eligible students must have at least a junior level standing on the day they begin work at Y-12 and a minimum Grade Point Average of 2.8 on a 4.0 scale. Summer interns work 40 hours per week during the 10-week summer program.
"My internship experience set a bar for what I expect of the engineering industry and ignited the ambition of what my career can become."
"I gained more than technical knowledge as an engineering major. I also got to see the business aspect of the company and how engineers are involved in projects."
"It was an awesome opportunity to see how a real company operates a facility that does some of the coolest work in the world."
Career ONE
Career ONE (Opportunities for New Engineers) is Y-12's job rotation program for new Engineering graduates. You will gain experience in various engineering disciplines, and have access to state-of-the-art — and in some cases one-of-a-kind — manufacturing equipment and processes. You will also have the opportunity to attend a variety of exciting workshops and training sessions led by some of the site’s most experienced engineers and scientists. Learn more about Career ONE.