Manhattan Project Resources
The Manhattan Project web pages are designed to disseminate information and documentation on the Manhattan Project to a broad audience including scholars, students, and the general public.
These web pages are a joint collaboration between DOE’s Office of Classification and Office of History and Heritage Resources. The Y-12 History Center is proud to recommend them highly as they contain very helpful information. The site brings together an enormous amount of material, much of it never before released.
An example of the key resource information provided is the update and discussion of the Manhattan Project National Historical Park. The facilities located at Y-12 that will be included are: Building 9731 and Building 9204-3 (Beta 3). The Graphite Reactor at Oak Ridge National Laboratory will also be included as will the footprint of the K-25 Gaseous Diffusion Building and related K-25 History Center and replica of a portion of the 44-acre building with authentic gaseous diffusion equipment.
The links to the Manhattan Project resources pages are:
New Manhattan Project Resource Page Launched
Manhattan Project Resources