CNS repeats at EPEAT Purchaser Awards
Y-12 earns five stars for purchasing sustainable IT products
Y-12 earns five stars for purchasing sustainable IT products
Katie Roberts, of Y-12’s Supply Chain Management was recently named one of magazine’s 40 Under 40 honorees and will be recognized at an awards ceremony in January.
Y-12 employees recognized by the NNSA’s Office of Defense Programs
Some 212 Pantex and Y-12 employees recently were recognized by the Office of Defense Programs.
Y-12 received the Secretary of Energy’s 2017 Federal Energy and Water Management Award.
The newly designated NA-50 Excellence Awards recently were presented at Pantex and Y-12.
Consolidated Nuclear Security, LLC gives and receives recognitions at inaugural award ceremony
Y 12 inventors were awarded honors for their innovative technology accomplishments during the recent 13th annual Technology Transfer Awards Ceremony.
CNS was recently honored by the DOE’s Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization.
Tennessee Chamber recognizes Y-12’s environmental achievements