Structural steel stood up at the Salvage and Accountability Building
60-foot-tall steel columns going up at the Salvage and Accountability Building are a visible sign of progress as we continue #BuildingUPF.
60-foot-tall steel columns going up at the Salvage and Accountability Building are a visible sign of progress as we continue #BuildingUPF.
Construction begins for the 100,000 square-foot Offsite Fabrication Facility located at East Tennessee Technology Park. This facility will serve as the primary fabrication area during the construction of UPF.
The UPF Site Infrastructure and Services (SIS) Subproject team was honored with the 2018 DOE Project Management Achievement Award for delivering SIS on schedule and $18M under budget.
The first vertical wall for the Main Process Building was just placed.
Skilled UPF craft employees just poured 37,000 cubic yards of concrete to complete structural base slabs for three main buildings at the UPF.
The first major pieces of equipment for the Uranium Processing Facility’s Mechanical Electrical Building were delivered in mid-March.
The Uranium Processing Facility project is making progress to replace aging facilities with a modern, more efficient and safer facility for highly-enriched uranium operations.
Ironworkers began installing first-level rebar curtain Feb. 4 on the Main Process Building (MPB). The outside rebar layer will be joined by an inside layer for the exterior wall of MPB. Formwork will then be placed outside the curtain and the concrete placed.
The last piece of structural steel was placed on the Mechanical Electrical Building on Feb. 11. The roof and the panels that make up the walls will be installed next. Completion is scheduled for early summer.