2018 Summer Intern Expo (Captioned)
2018 Summer Intern Expo
A Nuclear Family: An Introduction (captioned)
A Nuclear Family: An Introduction
A Nuclear Family: Episode 1 – I’ve Seen It (captioned)
A Nuclear Family: Episode 1 – I’ve Seen It
A Nuclear Family: Episode 2 – The Manhattan District (captioned)
A Nuclear Family: Episode 2 – The Manhattan District
A Nuclear Family: Episode 3 – A Race For Peace (captioned)
A Nuclear Family: Episode 3 – A Race For Peace
A Nuclear Family: Episode 4 – Lifting The Veil (captioned)
A Nuclear Family: Episode 4 – Lifting The Veil
A Nuclear Family: Extras – About the Series (captioned)
A Nuclear Family: Extras – About the Series
Alarm Response Training (captioned)
Alarm Response Training
Appreciating skilled trades workers
Armed Forces Day celebration (captioned)
Armed Forces Day celebration
Benchmarking with the Marines (captioned)
Benchmarking with the Marines
CNS Signs Mentor-Protege Agreement (captioned)
CNS inks mentor-protégé agreement
Caring for our communities (captioned)
Community Investment (captioned)
Community Investment
Computed Tomography Technology (Captioned)
Computed Tomography Technology
Construction Builds a Winning Safety Culture (captioned)
Construction Builds a Winning Safety Culture
Continuous Improvement yields futuristic mower (captioned)
Continuous Improvement yields futuristic mower
Cybercamp (captioned)
Disinfecting efforts continue
E-Talk Ben Green (Captioned)
E-Talk Emily Watson (Captioned)
E-Talk Heather Pridemore (Captioned)
E-Talk Heidi Arvin
E-Talk Jessica Davis (Captioned)
E-Talk Julie Cramer (Captioned)
E-Talk Katie Schubert
E-Talk Tea Phillips
East Tennessee Dream It. Do It. (captioned)
East Tennessee Dream It. Do It.
Fire Department Training (captioned)
Fire Department Training
Fire Department drills for skills (captioned)
Fire Department drills for skills
Flagpole Dedication (captioned)
Flagpole Dedication
From Oak Ridge to the Moon (captioned)
From Oak Ridge to the Moon
Give hope, give life (captioned)
Give hope, give life
Global Security Analysis and Training Program (captioned)
Global Security Analysis and Training Program
HonorAir Flight (captioned)
HonorAir Flight
Infrastructure Excellence Awards: Y-12 Fire Department Corrective Maintenance Backlog Reduction
Introduce a Girl to Engineering 2018 (captioned)
KPM captures knowledge, educates workforce (captioned)
KPM captures knowledge, educates workforce
KRUSTY—Kilopower Reactor Using Stirling Technology (captioned)
KRUSTY—Kilopower Reactor Using Stirling Technology
Kerry Trammell Volunteer of the Year — Morgan Smith (captioned)
Kerry Trammell Volunteer of the Year — Morgan Smith
Latest apprentice class includes first machinist graduates (captioned)
Latest apprentice class includes first machinist graduates
Lighting the night for LLS (captioned)
Lighting the night for LLS
Lithium Processing Facility Groundbreaking
MAC Celebration (captioned)
MAC Celebration
Manhattan Project National Historical Park (captioned)
Manhattan Project National Historical Park
Manufacturing Day (captioned)
Manufacturing Day
Mission Success
Mission Success
NBL Center opens at Y-12 (captioned)
NBL Center opens at Y-12
ORETTC Hosts Cumberland County STEM Camp
ORETTC XR Symposium 2024
ORHS Wildbots (captioned)
ORHS Wildbots
Oak Ridge Enhanced Technology and Training Center (Captioned)
Oak Ridge Enhanced Technology and Training Center
Office of Radiological Security
Our Hidden Past: 1st Mission (captioned)
Our Hidden Past: 1st Mission
Our Hidden Past: Biology, part 1 (captioned)
Our Hidden Past: Biology, part 1
Our Hidden Past: Biology, part 2 (captioned)
Our Hidden Past: Biology, part 2
Our Hidden Past: Peacetime (captioned)
Our Hidden Past: Peacetime
Our Hidden Past: Precious Metals (captioned)
Our Hidden Past: Precious Metals
Our Hidden Past: The Prophet of Oak Ridge (captioned)
Our Hidden Past: The Prophet of Oak Ridge
Pi Challenge (captioned)
Pi Challenge
Proactive Safety Team
Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic (captioned)
Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
STEM teachers tour Y-12 (captioned)
STEM teachers tour Y-12
Scarboro Alumni Association donation
Science Bowl volunteer knows what it takes (captioned)
Science Bowl volunteer knows what it takes
Secret City Race Awards (captioned)
Secret City Race Awards
Secret City: 1945-2006 (captioned)
Secret City: 1945-2006
Secret City: The War Years (captioned)
Secret City: The War Years
SimWypes licensed to SDVO PerVivo Laboratories (captioned)
SimWypes licensed to SDVO PerVivo Laboratories
Simple Acts of Safety (captioned)
Simple Acts of Safety
Smoky Mountain Regional robotics competition (captioned)
Smoky Mountain Regional robotics competition
Smoky Mountain Service Dogs: Service from the heart (captioned)
Smoky Mountain Service Dogs: Service from the heart
Software Development (captioned)
Software Development
Sponsoring STEM FIRST (captioned)
Sponsoring STEM FIRST
Still flying the flag (captioned)
Still flying the flag
Supporting medical isotope production (captioned)
Supporting medical isotope production
Tactical Response Force II Graduation (captioned)
Tactical Response Force II Graduation
The Hospitality Houses at Methodist Medical Center (captioned)
The Hospitality Houses at Methodist Medical Center
UPF Crane Removal
UPF In the Dry Ceremony
UPF Milestone Video
UPF Tower Crane (captioned)
UPF Tower Crane
UPF construction status (captioned)
UPF construction status
UPF: Preparing for Y-12's future
Uranium Processing Facility Time Lapse
Uranium Processing Facility Time Lapse through Feb. 2024
Uranium Processing Facility progress
Using teamwork to clean up (captioned)
Using teamwork to clean up
Veterans share Honor Air experience (captioned)
Veterans share Honor Air experience
WEPAR (captioned)
Welcome new apprentices (captioned)
Welcome new apprentices
Women in History (captioned)
Y-12 75th Anniversary (captioned)
Y-12 75th Anniversary
Y-12 FD is ready to roll (captioned)
Y-12 FD is ready to roll
Y-12 Fire Department Honor Guard (captioned)
Y-12 Fire Department Honor Guard
Y-12 Gives Back – The Sweater Vest Competition (captioned)
Y-12 Gives Back – The Sweater Vest Competition
Y-12 IGTE: Inspiring tomorrow's engineers (and scientists) - Captioned
Y-12 Intern Expo 2023
Y-12 Turns 75: Nathan Braden (captioned)
Y-12 Turns 75: Nathan Braden
Y-12 employees help children in six counties (captioned)
Y-12 employees help children in six counties
Y-12 firefighters support Gatlinburg wildfire response (captioned)
Y-12 firefighters support Gatlinburg wildfire response
Y-12 honored by Anderson County Commission (captioned)
Y-12 honored by Anderson County Commission
iMop—Out of the box and outside the box (captioned)
iMop—Out of the box and outside the box
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» Tactical Response Force II Graduation
Tactical Response Force II Graduation
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0:49 min.
Ten members of the Protective Force recently completed advanced training.
Portective Force