Y-12 honors innovators with Tech Transfer awards
The Y-12 National Security Complex recently honored 21 innovators at the site’s annual Tech Transfer awards. The group was awarded nine patents as well as other awards for mission-driven technical and creative achievements.
OAK RIDGE, Tenn. – The Y-12 National Security Complex recently honored 21 innovators for their fiscal year 2018 accomplishments at the site’s 15th annual Technology Transfer awards ceremony in Knoxville.
The group’s innovations garnered nine patents in areas including radiation area monitors, ergonomic glovebox workspaces and a sensor and methods of detecting target materials. Of the nine patents, many were developed from Plant Directed Research and Development-funded projects.
Ten employees were recognized for submitting full invention disclosures and copyright applications to the National Nuclear Security Administration. These new ideas could one day lead to patents.
“We have robust technical capabilities and vibrant research efforts that both advance our mission objectives and lead to innovative technologies that, through technology transfer, benefit the U.S. economy,” said Tom Berg, director of Technology Transfer Programs. “The Technology Transfer awards recognize and celebrate the technical creativity and innovative achievements of our researchers.”
Five employees received either a Technology Transfer Support award or a Government Use Award. Technology Transfer Support awards recognize those whose efforts contribute to technology promotion and licensing. Government Use Awards go to employees whose inventions or copyrighted or technical work has significant value to the Department of Energy or other government agencies in regard to technical impact, cost/schedule benefits or advancing how work is executed.
A new merit-based distinguished society was introduced for Y-12 and Pantex Plant personnel who have notable technical and innovative accomplishments. Four Y-12 members were inducted into The League of Ingenuity.
Y-12 awards honorees were Tasha Boyd, James Bradshaw, Sam Brown, Ashley Stowe, Rusty Hallman, Joe Rainwater, Ed Ripley, Michael Lovelady, Lee Bzorgi, Nathan Henry, Chris Hayes, Mike Phillips, Alex Moses, Vincent Lamberti, Sam Brown, Bill Rogerson, John Freiderich, Jessica Metcalf, Tammy Hubbard, Blake Scott, and Shannon Roddy.
Consolidated Nuclear Security manages and operates Y-12 and the Pantex Plant in Amarillo, Texas. A central Technology Transfer Office manages the commercialization and partnership efforts for both sites and will recognize the Pantex inventors and innovators in a separate ceremony in Amarillo.
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