CNS adds two employees to Fellows Program
OAK RIDGE, Tenn. – Consolidated Nuclear Security, LLC, has expanded its Fellows Program, adding two employees to its group of technical experts. The additions to the program include one employee from each CNS site: the Pantex Plant’s Neil Koone and the Y-12 National Security Complex’s John Prazniak.
Koone was chosen as a new Electromagnetics Fellow, while Prazniak is a Uranium Fellow; he replaces Glenn Pfennigworth, who retired.
The addition of Koone and Prazniak brings the number of CNS fellows to five. The program recognizes technical staff members who have achieved status as a national or international expert in their field. Each fellow serves a renewable two-year term acting as the technical expert in their competency area and will be a mentor to other staff.
The program began in fiscal year 2017, offering highly qualified CNS engineers and scientists the opportunity to focus on future technologies. The program allows the fellows to pursue greater professional growth while helping to ensure CNS’s technical success by focusing on visionary and transformative technologies.
The fellows are chosen by a committee comprising leaders from across CNS. Fellowships are available in each of the CNS core competencies: metallurgy, uranium chemistry, lithium/special nuclear material, explosives, advanced manufacturing, component analysis/surveillance, electromagnetic effects, and nonproliferation.
Koone has more than 17 years of experience at Pantex. He began his career as a physics professor in the University System of Georgia and also taught at the University of Texas at Tyler and worked at Bell Helicopter-Textron Inc. His main focus at Pantex is in lightning protection.
Prazniak is currently supporting the deployment of uranium purification methods through electrorefining and has worked on uranium processing in Oak Ridge for 40 years, first at the Gas Centrifuge Enrichment Plant. He came to Y-12 in 1985 and helped restart Y-12’s enriched uranium recovery system.
Lorelei Woods (Pantex Component Analysis/Surveillance), Vincent Lamberti (Y-12 Component Analysis/Surveillance), and Alan Moore (Metallurgy) were selected in 2017 and are serving the second year of their fellowships. They may apply to have their terms extended.
“The enduring success of our sites relies on our ability to enhance technology and innovation, specifically in our core capabilities, and the CNS Fellows Program will ensure we remain a leader in technology innovation,” CNS Fellows Program Manager Ashley Stowe said.
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