CNS recognized for Supply Chain Management excellence: Good for business, good for the taxpayer

  • Posted: Monday, January 15, 2018, 4:44 pm

The Consolidated Nuclear Security procurement team recently was recognized by the director of the Supply Chain Management Center (SCMC) at the Kansas City National Security Campus for a total strategic procurement savings of $13.5 million to NNSA in Fiscal Year 2017.

The SCMC is a National Nuclear Security Administration prime contractor that works with NNSA and Department of Energy contractors to leverage $4 billion spent annually by these sites for operating supplies, services, transportation and logistics, and information technology.

A letter from SCMC Director Scott Bissen congratulated CNS for representing 7.6 percent of the NNSA/DOE complex-wide savings of $177.3 million in FY2017. “Your team’s efforts are an indispensable part of the NNSA’s dedication to making the most of taxpayer dollars in pursuit of national security and safety,” Bissen wrote.

One of the biggest sources of savings is CNS's use of the SCMC's automated e-store catalogs. CNS employees placed 34,000 e-store orders in FY2017 - 20,000 more than in FY2015.

“The e-store catalogs allow employees to place orders without inputting a requisition that would require a buyer to place a purchase order,” said Cindy Morgan, Director of CNS Procurement Operations. “This streamlined process allows door-to-door service, while utilizing the buying power of the entire complex, not just CNS sites.”

While CNS is saving taxpayer dollars and helping SCMC’s efforts to spread eSourcing practices across the NNSA/DOE complex, the company also is reaping the rewards of their actions at home. Employees are getting responsive service, and all savings validated by the SCMC are eligible cost savings under the CNS prime contract.

“The savings recognized was against a total invoice of $332 million. Since assuming management of the consolidated contract for Y-12 and Pantex in 2014, CNS has saved more than $58 million,” Morgan said.

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