40 under 40—Katie Roberts
A CNS summer internship is ‘just plain cool’
A Y-12 interns sublime experience
A different kind of robocall
A dream fulfilled for the nation
A new entry to Y-12’s history
A presidential pick and a long-time Y-12 winner
A soldier’s homecoming
A viral target: Cyberattacks on COVID-19
Academy provides opportunity with CNS grant
Active against dementia: CNS supports local program
Additive manufacturing adds value
Addressing RSCC food insecurity
Affinity Spotlight: Women in Nuclear
Air Force general visits Pantex, Y-12
Alex: A lesson in courage
An increase in flux capacity
Anderson County families helped through CNS contribution
Apprentices mark milestone on journey to journeyman
Armed Forces Day – Families serve too
Arming leaders with Y-12 information
Atomic Trades and Labor Council: Our skill players
Bechtel awards scholarship to children of CNS and UPF employees
Becoming one team, better together
Better than having x-ray vision
Big savings result in big award from state
Blount Partnership tours Y-12
Brett Pate: Staying focused
Building a world-class maintenance organization with proactive strategies
Building robots from Tennessee to Texas
Building student talent pipelines to cultivate critical skills development
Building virtual connections, saving real money
CNS Cybersecurity offers expertise to local high school
CNS Fellows encourage innovation
CNS Joins Oak Ridge Chamber in Nashville
CNS achieves 5 million safe hours
CNS achieves mission success in recycling
CNS administrative professionals honored with 2022 Jackie Kelly Awards
CNS and Y-12 help provide COVID-19 relief
CNS business forums continue virtually
CNS contribution helps students connect in Hamblen County
CNS donates $10,000 to East Tennessee Children’s Hospital
CNS employees rise to fitness challenge
CNS employees serving double duty for the nation
CNS employees share holiday spirit with those in need
CNS ensures help for domestic violence victims during pandemic
CNS funds veteran and active military treatment program in East Tennessee
CNS gets it: There is no Planet B
CNS honored as Corporate Philanthropist of the Year
CNS hosts Manufacturing Practices Lean Summit
CNS hosts Partners in Excellence Forum
CNS intern experience leads to fulfilling careers
CNS invests in youth, promotes leadership
CNS joins collaboration for apprenticeship program
CNS provides the right tool for the job
CNS recognizes Earth Day
CNS represented at inaugural Energetics Consortium
CNS securing success across both sites
CNS sites offer gateways to exciting careers
CNS sponsors LEGO® Boot Camp
CNS sponsors Pull for Our Veterans shoot
CNS supports local school in successful proposal to build miniature satellite for NASA
CNS surpasses FY 2021 hiring goal
CNS welcomes home 20th HonorAir Knoxville flight
CNS welcomes summer interns
CNS works with veterans
CNS' Hassler named INMM Fellow
CNS-developed software streamlines readiness reviews, aids small business
CNS-sponsored RoHAWKtics competes at world’s largest robotics competition
CNS-sponsored teams compete at DOE’s National Science Bowl
CNS/UT partnership, who’s in the pipeline?
CNS’s Alicia Swift joins elite group of UTK graduates
Career ONE steers engineering grads toward right path
Celebrating Earth Day every day
Central Training Facility debuts new wireless capabilities
Changing the landscape one demo at a time
Children pulled from fire thanks to Y‑12er’s quick response
Christenson awarded Federal Project Director of the Year Award
Competing for a grade and our nuclear security
Completing the connection
Congratulations 2020 Jackie Kelly winners
Construction Builds a Winning Safety Culture
Construction builds multimillion-hour safety records
Cool equipment just arrived at UPF
Crane project soars at Y-12
Cyber-sleuthing at summer camp
Cybercamp teaches teens how to thwart hackers
Data centers launch a new generation of power
Defense Program Awards of Excellence: Y-12 Uranium Mission Strategy Team
Digital transformation in the field
Dream It. Do It. kicks off third year
Driving toward a better future
ELT with Early Career Group
Earth Day, every day in many ways
Educational Outreach
Embracing the NERD
Employee’s use of safety tip helps reduce injuries in wreck
Engineer passionate about art
Enriched uranium, enriched careers
Extended Life Program asks ‘How do you make your buildings last?’
Family Legacy at the Uranium Processing Facility Project
Fellows Colloquium, a historic day for CNS
Final tests for NASA’s KRUSTY system successful
Fire Department Honor Guard
Firefighters climb for the fallen
First main building enclosed at UPF
First nuclear process equipment installed at UPF
Former Strategic Command chief emphasizes importance of Pantex, Y-12 missions
Foundations pave the way for future progress
From Oak Ridge teacher to Y-12er, Jeff Hankins has a big mission impact
From apprentice to inventor
From camping in the woods to the final frontier
From sea to shining CNS: Employees share experiences from working with a U.S. president
GSAT Learning Lab: A Virtual Success
Glovebox project does its part(s)
Going above and beyond
Going the distance with ART
Growing pains
HCON: A Mission Connection
Hear ye! Hear ye! Y-12 Proclamations celebrate 75th Anniversary
Heroes & horses: How CNS is helping disabled veterans
High-voltage crew works injury-free for 15 years
Home never looked so good
Honoring our veterans
How one work crew floated an idea and got it green lighted
Howerton represents CNS on cyber consortium board
Hundreds tour Y-12 during Secret City Festival
I am Mission Success: Aprell P.
I am Mission Success: Brent Wright
I am Mission Success: Courtney Edenfield
I am Mission Success: David Turner
I am Mission Success: Julie Huff
I am Mission Success: Wayne Carlton
I am mission success: Bill Tindal
I am mission success: Brandi Reagan
I am mission success: Chris Harkins
I am mission success: Christian G.
I am mission success: Emmett Wade
I am mission success: Eric G.
I am mission success: Gary Sanders
I am mission success: George Haynes
I am mission success: Jan West
I am mission success: Jeff Yarbrough
I am mission success: John H.
I am mission success: Kristen R.
I am mission success: Marcia B.
I am mission success: Margaret Woods
I am mission success: Matthew Hensley
I am mission success: Max Robertson
I am mission success: Melissa Blair
I am mission success: Michael M.
I am mission success: Mike Robinson
I am mission success: Richard Tighe
I am mission success: Sean L.
I am mission success: Susan Kozemko
If it can’t be done anywhere else, Y-12 craftspeople can do it
Improvements continue with Nuclear Criticality Safety
Improving Y-12’s production future, one twin at a time
In extraordinary year, RAP still keeps high-profile events safe
Infrastructure upgrades come to Pantex, Y-12
Inside look: Y-12 team adapts and delivers during Japan mission
Interns major in summertime learning
Internship program bridges military and civilian service
Investing in our sustainable future: Buying ‘green’
It’s a go—B61-12 LEP
It’s as easy as A, B, C …
Josie Fellers: A dancer’s fight
Keeping up and staying safe
Ladd-en with love
Latest apprentice class includes first machinist graduates
Learning to juggle all the moving pieces of program management
Legacy disposition program building a legacy all its own
Lessons learned from summer interns
Lighting the night for LLS
Looking for a better way
Low-Temperature Lithium Production Method Eliminates Hazards, Reduces Energy Cost
M. C. Wiest, a name almost as old as the plant
MPB Concrete Placement Begins
MPB takes shape with first vertical wall placed
Materials Camp reinvents fun
Meet our Sandia Weapon Intern Program Class of 2022 selections
Meet our physical therapists
Meet the NOC/SOC
Meet the new faces of sustainability at Y-12
Meeting small business goals supports DOE goals, national economy
Meghann Parrilla: A difference-maker at work and in the community
Mill for Seawolf project dismantled at Y-12
Mission Success
Mission Success: Mike Mulligan
Mission success: David Zakrzwski
More than a job
MyZone protects UPF workers
NBL Center opens at Y-12
NNSA Deputy Administrator for Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation visits Oak Ridge
NNSA administrator visits Y-12
NNSA’s Innovation Day helps Y-12 make connections
New Y-12 fire station 'topped out'
New employee orientation
New engineers rotate into best fit at Pantex and Y-12
New hands-on training at Y-12 boosts Sustainability and Stewardship initiatives
New paper disintegrator supports site security and sustainability
New scale at Y-12’s Third Mill worth the weight
Nuclear Criticality Safety’s roadmap helped drive team to success
Occupational Health Services staff meet COVID response head on
Occupational Health Services takes on public health role
Offsite Fabrication Facility to support UPF construction
One big brotherhood
PIT Crew treads faster track for Y-12 part production
Pantex and Y-12 Occupational Health Services receive top scores in accreditation survey
Pantex and Y-12 employees receive NA-50 Awards
Pantex and Y-12 named veteran-friendly employers
Pantex and Y-12 receive impressive environmental reviews
Pantex and Y-12: where science and technology intersect
Passing the PDRD baton
Preparing to meet the challenge
Primed with ideas
ProForce graduates
Production informs research through mid-career professional exchange with ORNL
Project success in a time of uncertainty
Project teams honored by NA-50
Providing compassion in trying times
Putting order in the chaos
Quick-acting SPO contributes to a miracle
Race to the finish line
Recent grad, former Y-12er, current space explorer
Recognizing our IT systems administrators
Recognizing winners of the NNSA security awards
Recruiting diverse talent: partnering with HBCUs
Reframing problems with systems engineering thinking
Remembering the 1958 Nuclear Criticality Accident
Renovations pump new life into fitness centers
Revitalizing the Infrastructure: Building 9995
Roane State and Y-12 sponsor cybersecurity camp
Run VMC 5K
SPO graduate’s unique perspective helps create class excellence
Scarboro 85 members quietly made history
Searching for shadows on Groundhog Day at Y-12
Seawolf Manufacturing Challenge
Security police officer training class includes large group from LANL
Seeing lean at work
Shipp recognized with SNL WIP award
Significant deliverable for electrorefining met remotely
Skilled in the art: Y-12 graduates 2020 apprentice class
Solving problems one tier at a time
Sponsoring hospitality at MMCOR
Storage added to HEUMF
Strong enough to withstand the storm
Structural base slabs complete for MPB, MEB, SAB
Structural steel stood up at the Salvage and Accountability Building
Successful peer review for NPO, CNS
Summer interns arrive to work, learn at Pantex and Y-12
Supporting innovative education in local schools
Tactical Response Force 1 graduation: a family reunion of sorts
Taking care of ‘Biz’ness with Junior Achievement
Taking safety into their own hands
Taking the One-Metric-Ton Challenge
Teamwork successfully brings down the Alpha 5 Annex
Technology Transfer Office provides unique experience for UT law students
Thanks from Turkey
The Mask Makers of CNS
The UPF team is taking the Main Process Building to the next level
The family linemen
The frontline cleaning‑up COVID‑19
The right place at the right time
The ties that bind
Thinking outside the box creates a winning environment
This month in Y-12 history: April 2010—Y-12 assists with Project Golden Llama
This month in history: March 1943—Y-12's Pilot Plant is completed
Tom Smith: The man with a vision and a plan
Tony White: Pulling for one of our own
Top security professionals recognized by NNSA
Topping off at UPF
Transformation detected in Development’s Met Lab
Turning Leaf Tour kicks off at Y-12’s New Hope Center
UPF CNS Deputy Project Director credits Y-12/UPF as ‘highlight of her career.’
UPF Celebrates Fully Enclosed Process Support Facilities
UPF Completes First Energization
UPF Completes Structural Construction of the Main Process Building
UPF Diverts 97 Percent of Waste from Landfills
UPF Leads Tennessee in Polar Plunge Fundraising
UPF Project Initial Plant Energization Achieved
UPF Project celebrates five million safe working hours
UPF Project receives long-awaited deliveries
UPF Spotlight on Success: 100% Rack Delivery
UPF Tower Cranes Swing into Action
UPF achieves key milestone
UPF continues to benefit from apprentice program
UPF ironworker recognized as Apprentice of the Year
UPF project authorized to start construction
UPF starts installing second-story steel
UPF takes Polar Plunge for Special Olympics
UPF takes Polar Plunge for Special Olympics
UPF takes the Polar Plunge
UPF team marches in honor of fallen soldiers
UPF’s Construction Support Building Receives NNSA Sustainability Designation
Unique program helps veterans become CNS engineers
Uranium Processing Facility Site Infrastructure and Services Subproject honored by the Department of Energy
Vendor-managed inventory project saves time and money by bringing the store home
Veteran to Engineer Program provides service members a future in our workforce
Veterans find closure on CNS-sponsored HonorAir trip
Visit to Y-12 a real eye-opener for crew of USS Tennessee
WIP nominees
Waste reduction in Beta-4
We are mission success: Jay Aspray and Zuleyma Carruba-Rogel
Weapon interns return as tomorrow’s leaders
We’re growing
What’s a Fellow to do?
Where material characterization and additive manufacturing meet
Who’s on FIRST? Inspiring STEM through robotics
Why is CNS on FIRST?
Why we buy sustainable products
Wireless property tracking system in development
Working together to achieve the mission
Working with dad
Working with mom
XR Symposium at ORETTC: Positioning for the Future
Y-12 ATLC members encourage students to consider careers in skilled crafts and trades
Y-12 Apprentice Program graduates eight machinists
Y-12 Apprenticeship Program prepares future trades workers
Y-12 Development team successfully designs and creates advanced lithium cell prototype
Y-12 Fire Department serves neighbors through mutual aid
Y-12 Fire Department up to HAZMAT challenge
Y-12 Firefighters move into new station
Y-12 Infrastructure hits million hour mark without injury
Y-12 STEM Teacher In-Service
Y-12 VPP Star of Excellence Award
Y-12 advances technology for assessing fire systems
Y-12 assisting NNSA effort to produce vital medical isotope, Mo-99
Y-12 cafeteria named in honor of Larry Garner
Y-12 completes 50-year safety-significant sprinkler head replacement project
Y-12 conducts lithium research for NNSA
Y-12 donates to Little Ponderosa Zoo
Y-12 earns VPP award
Y-12 employee raises flagless pole issue, gets attention
Y-12 employees experience their connection to national security
Y-12 employees partner with Junior Achievement for success
Y-12 employees recognized for excellence
Y-12 employees volunteer for Help the Smokies Day
Y-12 engineers visit local schools in support of Engineering Week
Y-12 helps provide ongoing care for people during COVID-19
Y-12 ingenuity has broad impact
Y-12 joins nuclear community for “Big Event”
Y-12 laboratory receives recertification for nuclear Navy support
Y-12 machinist sees need, saves life
Y-12 nearly doubles normal blood donations in September
Y-12 opportunities shared during regional nuclear workshop
Y-12 program improves best practice by integrating ERM
Y-12 rapidly restarts after production pause, on schedule
Y-12 recognized for fast-tracking path to zero emission vehicles
Y-12 responds to East Tennessee wildfires
Y-12 supports ADFAC for back-to-school supplies
Y-12 supports Michael Dunn Center residents during pandemic
Y-12 supports the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley
Y-12 supports the Super Bowl
Y-12 team leads customized ART
Y-12 team powers through outage to keep fabrication on schedule
Y-12 updates the business community
Y-12 volunteers empower the next generation
Y-12 wellness program works out for gold-level distinction
Y-12, Roane State expand reach with virtual cybersecurity camp
Y-12er on All-Army Women’s Rugby team wins Armed Forces Championship
Y-12er spotlight: Jon Ragan
Y-12’s Cothron recognized as a change agent
Y-12’s Hansen receives archivist certification
Y-12’s Protective Force donates coats to VMC
Y-12’s commitment to safety shines through new VPP award and Special Government Employee participants
Y12’s Vaughn appointed to UT board
Y‑12 achieves fourth year of low exposures
Y‑12 congratulates new apprenticeship gradsCNS recently celebrated the graduation of 14 new journey workers from the Y‑12 Apprentice Program
Y‑12 employee braves cold water to save a life
Y‑12 orgs get a grip on hand safety
Y‑12 recognizes TRF‑200 graduates
Y‑12 rooftop project goes above and beyond
“Analytical Chemistry…This is Sue.”
Press Releases
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