Uranium Processing Facility Site Infrastructure and Services Subproject honored by the Department of Energy
From left to right: CNS Construction Superintendent Paul Champ; SIS Federal Project Director Don Peters; DOE Under Secretary for Nuclear Security and NNSA Administrator Lisa Gordon-Hagerty; UPF Federal Project Director Dale Christenson; UPF Contracting Officer Michael Bocskovits; and USACE Project Manager Joe Duncan.
The Uranium Processing Facility Project Site Infrastructure and Services Subproject team was recently honored with the 2018 Department of Energy Project Management Achievement Award.
SIS, UPF’s second of seven subprojects, was completed two months ahead of schedule and $18M under budget in February 2018.
SIS included the 65,000 square foot Construction Support Building which provides office space for more than 300 UPF Project personnel and is the Y-12 National Security Complex’s first Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Gold building.
SIS also included the fully automated, continuous mix concrete batch plant designed to produce 300 cubic yards of concrete per hour. The batch plant and five concrete trucks are on site and dedicated solely to UPF, providing construction schedule flexibility and immediate response to quality issues.
Other SIS deliverables included building demolition, utility work, site grading and installation of new erosion protection and security features.
To execute the work, NNSA employed an integrated acquisition and project management strategy, including partnerships with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Consolidated Nuclear Security, LLC. These partnerships capitalized on USACE’s expertise in non-nuclear construction and fixed-price contracting and CNS’s familiarity with the existing Y-12 site infrastructure and mission. Both CNS and USACE used fixed unit rate subcontracts to execute the majority of the work.
“I am very proud of our how well USACE and CNS worked together to safely deliver SIS ahead of schedule and under budget,” said SIS Federal Project Director Don Peters. “Our unique partnership provided the best value to the government and to American taxpayers. I am honored that DOE recognized our success with this prestigious award.”
Members of the SIS team were presented the award by DOE Under Secretary for Nuclear Security and National Nuclear Security Administration Administrator Lisa Gordon-Hagerty at the DOE Project Management Conference held in Washington, DC.