Meeting small business goals supports DOE goals, national economy
Cultivating contracts with small businesses is a component of Consolidated Nuclear Security’s overall mission at Pantex and Y-12, a goal passed down from the Small Business Administration through the U.S. Department of Energy.
Each year, Consolidated Nuclear Security (CNS) establishes a small business goal that aligns with the National Nuclear Security Administration’s and the U.S. Department of Energy’s commitment to supporting the growth of small business engagement in subcontracting. In Fiscal Year 2022, CNS Supply Chain exceeded the small business percentage goal.
“CNS Supply Chain is proud of its history of supporting small businesses at both the Pantex and Y-12 sites,” said Rick Hillert, director of Procurement Operations. “As the economy is ever changing, we now more than ever look to our small business partners to team with CNS to provide an environment of collaboration and communication for our mutual success in completing the mission.”
Additionally, CNS exceeded four of the five small business socioeconomic goals in FY 2022 through the efforts of many, including Supply Chain Management procurement representatives and Enterprise Business Management personnel.
Randy Crawford and Greta Ownby are the Small Business Program managers at Pantex and Y-12, respectively.
“Small business is an essential part of our nation’s economy,” Crawford said.
In fact, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, more than 99% of the nation’s 37 million businesses are categorized as small (fewer than 500 employees.)
“Subcontracting with businesses supports delivery and attainment of CNS's mission success,” Ownby said. “Small businesses are an important part of that initiative.”
CNS Supply Chain established Partners in Excellence meetings to enhance small business relationships with CNS and large contractors. By sharing upcoming subcontract opportunities and providing a direct connection to the CNS procurement staff, businesses are able to learn about upcoming opportunities and network with other businesses for potential partnerships.
One way CNS supports small business is through the Mentor Protégé Program. Additionally, Ownby and Crawford attend local and national conferences and meetings, trade shows, and outreach events to cultivate small business relationships.
“For Fiscal Year 2023, we took a hard look at all of the opportunities that will be available for small business participation and expanded our small business goals,” Hillert said.
Small businesses interesting in partnering with CNS can find more resources at this link.