Y-12, Roane State expand reach with virtual cybersecurity camp
Students from as far away as New York participated in the cybersecurity camp sponsored by Y-12 National Security Complex.

Knowing how to be safe online is important for anyone old enough to use a computer or smartphone. Y-12’s educational outreach program is doing its part to make sure students know how to protect themselves, while also encouraging them to grow and maintain an interest in cybersecurity that could lead to a potential career.
For the second summer, Y-12 National Security Complex partnered with Roane State Community College to offer an innovative approach to cybersecurity education through a virtual camp for middle and high school students who are considering careers in Information Technology. The camp was designed to engage today’s hyper-connected young people with firsthand examples of mobile forensics and the damage a cyberattack can do.
George Meghabghab, director of the RSCC Computer Information Technology program, led the camp. “I loved each minute of the camp, and the students felt the same way,” he said.
The first four-day camp, held for high school students, was conducted in early June. The July camp was held for middle school students from as far away as New York and Maryland. Students attending the camps from closer to home were from Knoxville, Oak Ridge, Spring City, Rockwood, Kingston, Oliver Springs, Maryville, Oakdale, and Clinton.
The students were given opportunities to apply their individual skillsets in a group setting in hopes of realizing that they’re always going to be learning and finding new ways to identify solutions to problems. Meghabghab said the students wanted to know how a cybersecurity breach can happen.
“I felt students wanted to do hands-on work more than ever before, which is why I do what I do,” Meghabghab said. “I feel interest in this camp is exploding,” he continued. “I believe the virtual outreach is critical, and I am glad we did it this way. I hope we can use the same format next year.”