Y-12 team leads customized ART
A team from Y-12 traveled to New York to conduct a customized Alarm Response Training, or cART, course for members of the Suffolk County (@SuffolkPD), Nassau County (@NCPolice), and New York City (@NYPD) police departments.
Darrell Poteet of Global Security Analysis and Training said, “Members from these agencies had previously attended our Alarm Response Training and requested a customized course that would reach more of their personnel.”
The cART training program supports NNSA’s Office of Radiological Security by helping local law enforcement agencies develop their own coordinated training programs to prepare for and prevent the theft of radiological materials. cART also supports the Office of Radiological Security’s 2020 Cities Initiative, which aims to integrate radiological response functions in the 20 most populous metropolitan areas in the U.S.
Poteet said, “Sites that attend the on-site training are allowed to bring three to four law enforcement representatives. By conducting the customized course, local police departments get the ability to train their personnel on a much larger scale.”