The family linemen

Two electrical distribution system projects at Y 12 include an unlikely trio: grandfather, father, and son. Edward, Justin, and Justin, Jr. Cagle work on 13.8kv Electrical Distribution System Installation for 2nd and 3rd Streets where the linemen — all three of them — are replacing and installing utility poles and electrical conductors.
Edward, the elder Cagle, said, “At about 14, my son told me he was going to be a lineman. My grandson started showing interest at about 9 or 10 and got his own set of climbing hooks and body belt, which he loved to play with.”
Justin, Edward’s son and Justin, Jr.’s father, said, “My dad has taught me so much. The industry has changed drastically over the years with the equipment available. Sometimes it’s not feasible to build roads in order to use it [today’s equipment], so we have to go back to the old ways of constructing/maintaining the lines. I’ve gotten complacent on how I do things and learn a lot from my son who has a fresh way of thinking.”
Between the three of them, they have more than 55 years of experience, and that’s something the youngest Cagle is glad to have. “I would have never thought that we would all ever be on the same job together. We love this trade.”
The Cagles enjoy working together. Edward said, “I love seeing them daily using the skills they have acquired and taking advantage of every opportunity to learn their craft.”