Y-12 wellness program works out for gold-level distinction
Y-12 recently earned the gold-level distinction from the East Tennessee Wellness Roundtable.
Y-12’s LiveWise program recently earned gold-level distinction from the East Tennessee Wellness Roundtable. The program recognizes East Tennessee workplaces that exemplify excellence in wellness. Y-12 is a member of the roundtable, as are several businesses, educational institutes, non-profit organizations, and medical facilities.
“To achieve ETWR gold status, worksites must demonstrate a supportive wellness infrastructure and must meet a certain number of criteria related to physical activity, nutrition, mental health and substance abuse, and tobacco use and prevention,” said Rebecca Ellison, chair of the roundtable. “You all do SO many wonderful things. …You met six out of six of the infrastructure requirements (and only four are required for gold) because you have leadership support for wellness initiatives, have a wellness plan and a wellness committee, you communicate wellness goals and initiatives with employees, you formally evaluate your wellness activities, and you conduct employee interest surveys.”
CNS Health and Wellness supervisor Karen Lacey said that while the ETWR organization is based in Knoxville with many of its resources located there, the recognition is appreciated. “We are thrilled to be recognized for all the great things CNS does to promote the health and wellness of its employees. We’ve had long-term recognition from organizations such as the American Heart Association and the American Cancer Society, so adding this accolade to our reputation only helps solidify our commitment to help Y 12 employees maintain the best health possible.”
Lacey added that the ETWR website does offer wellness articles and information about area farmers markets, and Knoxville residents can benefit from information about greenways and parks, as well as fitness and activities.